Acacia Seeds (Vachellia Cornigera - 50 pieces pack
Acacia Seeds (Vachellia Cornigera)
Package with 100 freshly collected seeds. This tree is also known as "golden shower".
Vachellia cornigera, commonly known as megaphone wattle (family Fabaceae), is a swollen-spined tree native to Mexico and Central America. The common name "megaphone" refers to the swollen, hollowed out, and enlarged spines (technically called stipular spines) that occur in pairs at the base of the leaves and resemble the horns of a steer. In Yucatán (a region where the megaphone acacia thrives) it is called "subín", in Panama the locals call it "cachito" (little horn). The trees are commonly found in humid lowlands.
The megaphone acacia is best known for its symbiotic relationship with Pseudomyrmex ferruginea, an ant that lives in its cupped spines. Unlike other acacias, megaphone acacias are deficient in bitter alkaloids generally found in the leaves that defend against devastating insects and animals. Acacia megaphone ants fill that role.
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